

1936 Uppsatser om Remix culture - Sida 1 av 130

Ickevåldsremix : En dröm om hur ett samarbete mellan Moder Teresa och The Knife skulle upplevas.

This is an art-remix project that focuses on a dream about art and music remixed and made within a context of nonviolence. The goal is to create temporary (and in the long term hopefully stabile) spaces of peace. It will be done within places where change needs to come, where it needs to be heard/seen/experienced. Weapon exports from Sweden are increasing even though there is research showing that nonviolent resistance in conflict is more effective. In this essay I discuss nonviolence and how I can implement that in my work to find a meaningful work for both me and my neighbours.

Urban Building i kvarteret Domherren : Legering

En legering mellan gammalt och nytt - mellan dåtid och framtid. En legering mellan en befintlig brutalistisk struktur och en ny amorf struktur. Ett möte mellan betong och glas och stål.Kvarteret Domherren som inrymmer Arkitekturskolan är på väg att förändras. Skolan ska flytta till nya lokaler och kvar blir ett omdebatterat hus. Denna betongbyggnad bevaras och genomgår en urban remix - studentbostäder, kontor och publika verksamheter flyttar in i de gamla undervisningslokalerna.

Icke -västerländsk konst : En exotisk föreställning eller en fabrikation/konstruktion? En analys av Africa Remix i ljuset av den postkoloniala teoribildningen

AbstraktLiksom skolan utgör en arena för alltmer pluralistiska elevgrupper med vitt skilda erfarenheter strävar konstmuseer idag efter att vara en representativ arena för en alltmer globaliserad konstvärld. Den problematik de står inför, samt hur de hanterar den då de arbetar för att inte reproducera en normerad maktrelation mellan västerlandet och resten av världen är kärnan i mitt arbete. Med postkoloniala frågeställningar om makt och diskurser försöker jag belysa vilken identitet vi i den västerländska kulturen ger både dem vi beskriver, samt oss själva, när vi definierar "icke-västerländsk" konst på ett specifikt sätt. För att kanalisera de postkoloniala frågeställningar jag undersöker tittar jag närmare på utställningen Africa Remix, (Moderna Museet i Stockholm 2006 ? 2007) eftersom den var en utställning som medvetet förhöll sig till den representationsproblematik som jag undersöker.

Discovering the RedWave: A cultural study of E.ON Nordic AB-Malmö

Conclusions: A myriad of interpretations are possible when studying and discussing a particular organizational culture. As culture can not be removed from its context, we illuminate the effects that the internationalization process has with regards to unifying the organizational culture in our particular setting studied. Maintaining however, that a reflexive look at this culture shows no single interpretation as being sufficient, we try to expose its richness and ambiguities through a three perspective approach..

Fint och fult i film : En studie av finkulturell och populärkulturell diskurs i svenska filmrecensioner

The discussion about high culture and popular culture in our society has been going on for decades. In few places is it as loud as within culture journalism and the critics? society, where the question of what is good taste and what is dumb entertainment constantly gets brought to the surface. Film is a particularly vulnerable area, since it is such a universally appealing and rather young medium. In America and England several studies have been performed of the reviewing society and reveiwers? use of high and low art-discourse in their writing.

Instabila processer i visuell kultur

I uppsatsen undersöks instabila processer i visuell kultur på två plan: i tid och rum och i material och metoder.Den tar upp vad instabila processer i visuell kultur är uttryck för och vad processerna får för konsekvenser förkonstbegreppet.Inledningsvis kartläggs hur Nicolas Bourriaud, Lev Manovich, Mieke Bal, Manuel Castells och MiwonKwon beskriver kulturella instabila processer. I syfte att undersöka om teorierna går att tillämpa på visuellauttryck utförs därefter en empirisk analys av musikvideor av Coldplay, Radiohead och Röyksopp. Också enjämförande analys görs för att se om instabila processer går att finna även inom scenkonsten. Det somundersöks i detta fall är en teaterföreställning av 123 Schtunk.De instabila processer som beskrivs i texterna återfinns i hög grad i de analyserade verken. Processernavisar sig vara en spegling av en nomadisk och mobil diskurs som orsakas av nätverkssamhällets strävan efteratt överskrida tid, rum och fasta begrepp.

Machinima : Ett kulturellt fält i rörelse

I mitten av 1990-talet närmare bestämt 1996 gjordes en film kallad Diary of a Camper. Filmen handlade om en person som satt och lurpassade på sina fiender i ett datorspel. Det som var speciellt med denna film var inte handlingen eller något fantastiskt kameraarbete. Nej det som var speciellt var det faktum att filmen spelades in i ett datorspel. Denna film anses vara startskottet för machinimakulturen som idag omfattar flera tusen utövare världen över.Det var personerna bakom Diary of a camper som myntade uttrycket machinima som är en sammanslagning av de engelska orden ?machine? och ?animation? alltså maskin och animation.

Den gotländska Stridsyxekulturen : migration, interaktion eller regionalitet?

This one-year master's thesis investigates the late part of the Middle Neolithic on the island of Gotland. This thesis has been written without the influence of a singular theoretical pespective, and has therefore seen input from the processual, and postprocessual theories. By using several perspectives, an attempt is made to view the material remains used in the most objective manner possible. The specific aim of this thesis is to investigate whether the Mid-Neolithic inhabitants of Gotland were a part of the Corded Ware culture (or as it is called in Sweden, the Battleaxe culture or the Boataxe culture). Most recent literature has concluded that Gotland was never a part of the Battlexe culture, though this thesis has discovered many parallels with the mainland culture, including the production of similar objects and ritual practices.

Vem är samen? : En läromedelsanalys av hur samisk kultur och identitet presenteras i Undervisningsmaterial i historia och religion

The aim of this essay is to study how the Sami are presented in four textbooks about religion and history that are used in the schools of the majority culture of Sweden today and one book of ideas asto how a textbook could look like from a Sami's perspective. Its aim is not only to study how the Sami are presented but also to discuss how students who read these books could interpret what it means to be a Sami and what their culture is about. It is also meant to discuss how the Sami identitycould be formed. In order to be able to discuss this the essay uses three different kinds of theories about identity and culture. The analysis showed that there is little information about Sami culture, identity, religion and historypresented in the four textbooks used in schools of the majority culture and that these books seem to want students to think that the Sami are troublemakers but are and should be assimilated into the majority culture..

How Thai Culture Affects Expatriates' Leadership

To contribute to understanding of how Thai cultural context affects the leadership of expatriates in management positions. Instead of modifying the leadership styles to fit the local (Thai) context, the expatriates tried to push and influence their culture and leadership styles to Thai employees..

Smältdegel IKEA : En jämförelse mellan IKEA: s organisationskultur i Ümraniye och Örebro

The purpose of this essay is to illuminate in what aspects IKEA?s organizational culture in Ümraniye in Turkey differs alternatively resembles with IKEA?s organizational culture in Örebro in Sweden. The aim with organizational culture is to analyze the relationships between the leaders and co-workers and the relationships between the co-workers.The study is based on a combination of interviews and questionnaires. We have interviewed people in leading positions and made surveys among IKEA co-workers in two different stores located in two different countries. This combination of the methods gave us a better understanding for how the organizational culture is experienced from two different perspectives.

Det sitter i väggarna : En fallstudie om organisationskultur på hotell

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to examine the organizational culture at a specific hotel. To do this we have chosen to use interviews with both managers and employees. We have also done some minor observations and also studied written documents. The questions are as follow:? How is the organizational culture seen by managers and employees?? In which way is the organizational culture described in documents?? What differences and similarities are visible when comparing the opinions of employees and managers and the description in documents?It is mainly Edgar H.

Deltagarnas utställning : Utställningarana Hej! och Present i teori och praktik

Many institutions currently work with visitor participation. Participatory culture is basically to invite visitors to participate and to give an opportunity to co-creation. In my research I have studied two projects. The first one is the exhibition Hej! produced by Postmuseum (the Swedish mail museum) and the second one is Present by Riksutställningar (a Swedish government).This development indicates that the museums are on their way towards a new definition. Earlier museums were defined as a source of knowledge which purpose was to spread lore to the people.

Kulturers påverkan på förhandlingar

In this thesis, I discuss the impact Swedish national culture may have on Swedish diplomats. This is a qualitative study and I have used theories from studies of international negotiations to compare the oppositional results of those scientists with my interview material. With the help of my interview material from seven Swedish diplomats and five foreign diplomats I have compared their perceptions of Swedish culture, Swedish diplomats and their thoughts about the existence of an international diplomatic culture with well known sceientists of international negotiations. My main question is whether there is an international diplomatic subculture, without any national impact, or not. The mission is to base the thesis with earlier science and then compare and contrast with my interview material.

KULTURLÅDAN.SE - En etnologisk studie om ett digitalt nostalgotek

Nature and culture are often described as opposites, but at the same time nature is often de-scribed as culture and past. This essay examines how nature and the past are culture. I study how 51 people make shifting distinctions between nature and the past in relation to culture, the present and the future. By using the concept of Orientation of Sarah Ahmed I analyze how the informants direct themselves against nature, past and culture through a questionnaire, ob-servations and walk-alongs. I discuss how their ideas about nature and the past differ with their different starting points and are shaped through their physical meetings with them.

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